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Welcome to St Andrew's Australia

Part 9 / Division 3A Transfers

We intend to seek approval from the Federal Court of Australia for confirmation to transfer:

1. The insurance business of St Andrew’s Insurance (Australia) Pty Ltd to Hallmark General Insurance Company under Division 3A of Part III of the Insurance Act (Cth); and

2. The insurance business of St Andrew’s Life Insurance Pty Ltd to Hallmark Life Insurance Company Ltd under Part 9 of the Life Insurance Act (Cth)

For More information Click HERE

COVID-19 Update

We are here to help

We know that the onset of the Coronavirus has caused challenges for many Australians and we are focused on providing support to those who have been impacted. St Andrew’s is committed to the six core guiding principles that the Financial Services Council have implemented in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Need to Claim?

If you have been impacted by the Coronavirus and need to lodge a claim, please email us at with a summary of your current circumstances and your contact details.

For customers who hold a current policy with Involuntary Unemployment Cover, St Andrew’s encourages those who have been stood down or had their employment circumstances substantially changed to contact us to discuss whether we may be able to assist.

Premium Payments

If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your premiums, we have a number of options available to you, including temporarily suspending your cover and premium payments for a period to enable you to get back on your feet.

Existing Policy Holders

We’re here to help - Our customer care team are here to help you resolve your enquiries, as quickly and easily as possible.

More Info

Contact Us

For general office enquiries, please contact us with one of the following options:

1300 363 159
St Andrew’s Australia
PO Box 7395, Cloisters Square
WA 6850